The Trail to Eagle
“You can't earn Eagle at home.” - William C. Aden Jr., Scoutmaster Troop 71, 1981-1992
This section is dedicated to the development and guidance of Scouts aspiring to the rank of Eagle Scout and providing convenient access to policy and procedures for that advancement.
Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program. Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million young men. The title of Eagle Scout is held for life, thus giving rise to the phrase "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle."
The designation of Eagle Scout is a most high honor and recognition. It is reserved for those few Scouts who have demonstrated that they have fulfilled "the mission of the Boy Scouts of America * * * to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law."
Please review the Eagle Charge and Eagle Oath to get a sense of what this means, what the adult leadership is considering every step of the way to Eagle and how an objective Board of Review (BOR) goes about making a determination. Most importantly, when planning your Eagle Scout Service Project, be guided by the Eagle Scout Service Project Life Cycle and Life Scout to Eagle Scout Time Line.
Adult Leadership duty, including that of the members of the BOR, is to ensure that the Eagle candidate has truly internalized the value system. This facet often is not well understood by either the Scout or the Scout's parents. Earning Eagle Scout is NOT achieved by merely acquiring 21 merit badges and completing an Eagle Scout Service Project. It is achieved over many years of consistent diligence, responsibility and sincerity with respect to the Scout's Troop and community. Eagle Scout Application
Troop 71 Eagle Scout Service Projects
Make A Difference
One hundred years after Arthur Eldred of New York earned our nation's first Eagle Scout Award, new, independent research demonstrates the significant, positive impact Eagle Scouts have on society every day. Since it was first awarded in 1912, more than 2 million young men have achieved the Boy Scouts of America's highest rank. The study conducted by Baylor University, Merit Beyond the Badge, found that Eagle Scouts are more likely than men who have never been in Scouting to:
Have higher levels of planning and preparation skills, be goal-oriented, and network with others
Be in a leadership position at their place of employment or local community
Report having closer relationships with family and friends
Volunteer for religious and nonreligious organizations
Donate money to charitable groups
Work with others to improve their neighborhoods
To date, Troop 71 has proudly graduated over 130 Eagle Scouts. Will you add your name to our Eagle Scout Honor Roll?