Alpine Scout Camp
Alpine Scout Camp is located in the heart of Alpine, New Jersey and is only 10 miles north of the George Washington Bridge. It offers short term camping to Scouts and has a large selection of facilities to suit a group's needs -- everything from small tenting sites to a large conference center which can sleep over 40.
Every weekend from September to June the Alpine Scout Camp hosts a large number of events: District Camporees, Wintorees, Klondike Derbies, and Regional and National Conferences. Also, Alpine offers a large range of weekend activities like Archery, compass courses, and various in/out of camp hiking trails. The Gary I. Laermer Activity Center includes a 24' indoor and 32' outdoor Climbing Wall and a brand new Low Cope Course.
Alpine is appropriate for all Scouts and usually new Scouts' first camping trip with the Troop where they will earn their Totin' Chip and Firem'n Chit. There is a short hike from the parking lot to the campsite, potable water and picnic tables are onsite and bathrooms/showers are a short distance from the campsite.
Troop 71 Left A Trace (but, with permission)
During a visit in April 2013, Troop 71 created a permanent one-mile compass/orienteering course at the Camp by installing markers (photos below) throughout the camp and calculating compass angles and distances as a reference for future visitors to the course.