Uniforms, Books & Gear
"The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted
it covers up all differences of class and country."
- Robert Baden-Powell
Scout Uniform
The tan and green Boy Scout uniform is a well-known symbol of American scouting. All Scouts in the program wear the same uniform with the major differences being the badges each has earned and the Troop specific neckerchief. The uniform and insignia give a Scout visibility and create a level of identity within both the unit and the community. The uniform is used to promote equality while showing individual achievement.
As shown here by these sharply dressed Eagle Scouts, the "Class A" uniform consists of the official tan shirt and green switchback pants/shorts (with shirt tucked in and a Scout belt if pants have loops), along with the Troop neckerchief (worn over the shirt collar) and slide (or a bolo tie). On the shirt are worn the blue fleur de lis, forest green loops on the shoulder epaulets, the Theodore Roosevelt Council and unit (Troop) number ("71"), a "90" veteran bar and an array of different badges and insignia, depending on the Scout's rank, leadership and achievements. Merit badges adorn the green sash worn at official events. Sashes should be labeled on the inside with Scout's name.
Not sure of the meaning or placement of the various patches, badges, awards and other insignia on the uniform? Check the photos below for the basics or see the Uniform Inspection Sheet and Award & Insignia Guides for more detail. NOTE: "Totin' Chip" and "Firem'n Chit" are temporary insignia that may not be worn at the same time and are placed centered on the right shirt pocket (not on the flap).
Scouts new to Troop 71 receive (a) the unit numbers, (b) shoulder loops, (c) 95 veteran bar, (d) one Troop neckerchief with slide and (e) one "Class B" red T-shirt. Additional neckerchiefs are $10 each and Class B shirts/sweatshirts are ordered as needed annually, and are available to adults as well (quantities and sizes limited). To purchase, contact an adult leader (make checks payable to "BSA Troop 71").
Uniforms and other items can be purchased at our local Council store called the Nassau Scout Shop (544 Broadway, Massapequa, NY 11758, 516-797-0574) (or any similar Council store) or at www.scoutstuff.org.
Scout Handbook & Binder
Every Scout must have the Boy Scout Handbook (usually provided to those Scouts who crossed over to the Troop from Cub Scouts), available at the Nassau Scout Shop or at www.scoutstuff.org. This book contains the requirements and great resources for each rank from a new Scout earning Tenderfoot through Eagle, and also tracks their camping and community service time. It is not just a guide to the outdoors - but a guide for life that addresses issues such as alcohol and drug abuse, respecting others and appropriate Internet use.
The Handbook should be cared for, protected by a cover and kept in a safe place. As these books can get lost, however, Scouts should photocopy all completed rank, logs and other pages. These copies, along with the signed cards that accompany rank advancements and merit badges, should be maintained in their personal binder Troop 71 will supply to them. Proper record keeping is not only consistent with the aims of Scouting, it is a lifesaver in the event any dispute arises about advancements or accomplishments.
Camping Gear
Each Scout is responsible to provide his own camping gear, such as a frame pack, mess kit and other personal items, as well as a tent (which may not be needed on every trip if shared tent arrangements are made).
For use on camping trips, Troop 71 will provide gear such as stoves, coolers, overhead tarps, grills and cooking utensils and also maintains an array of backpacks and tents for temporary use as needed. Before purchasing camping gear you may be uncertain about, speak with the Quartermaster about borrowing from the Troop to try out on a trip or two. We recommend researching the gear thoroughly online or elsewhere and speaking with an experienced Scout or leader about the various types in order to make an informed decision before buying. Below are some useful resources on camping gear guides and retailers to get you started.